About me

I’m a practice-based public art curator.

I collaborate with artists and communities to embed art within the fabric of everyday experience. My projects are site-specific, participatory and multi-disciplinary - activating publics and public space. Anchoring experiments with format is an enduring interest in ‘place’: exploring how emotional connections to landscapes and localities link us across time and space.

My dynamic network includes Turner-prize winning artists and leading institutions, like Victoria & Albert Museum and Folkestone Triennial. Having produced my own podcast, I am a confident public speaker and panel host. Previous clients include Art Fair Philippines and NADA Art Fair (New York).

Alongside an independent practice, I’ve gained experience across the sector. This includes curatorial positions at Daata and Historic England. I was a founding member of a socially-engaged curatorial collective (Shed Project). I gained a Distinction in MA Curating and Collections at University Arts London in 2021. Previously I worked at an artist’s studio and managed two private blue-chip collections. I received my MA(hons) in History of Art from the University of Edinburgh in 2016.

CV / oliviabrightcurates@gmail.com